The `add_action` function in WordPress allows developers to execute custom functions when the `all_admin_notices` PHP action is triggered, which displays generic admin screen notices
Learn how to use the WordPress `admin_post_send_email_notifications` PHP action, which fires on an authenticated admin post request where no action is supplied. Add the action using `add_action()` and customize it…
The ‘admin_print_scripts-{$hook_suffix}’ PHP action is used in WordPress to add custom scripts to the admin section of the website. This action is triggered when the admin page is being loaded…
The `after_core_auto_updates_settings` hook in WordPress allows developers to execute custom code after the core auto-update settings have been determined
The 'media_view_settings' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to customize the media library view. This filter can be used to add or remove columns, change the default sorting order, and…
The 'ms_user_list_site_actions' PHP filter in WordPress allows developers to modify the actions available in the user list table on the multisite network admin screen.
The 'print_default_editor_scripts' PHP action in WordPress allows developers to customize the scripts loaded in the default editor. This can be useful for adding custom functionality or modifying existing features. In…