[SOLVED] Windows 7 – Unable to Install or Uninstall Adobe Acrobat X


When attempting to install or un-install Adobe Acrobat X you receive an error message which says:

Files in Use
Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.

Microsoft Windows Search Filter Host



  1. Click on the Windows Start button
  2. Type in services.msc and press enter on the keyboard
  3. AdobeX-FailUninstall2
  4. Scroll down to the ‘Windows Search’ service
  5. Right-click and select ‘Stop’
  6. AdobeX-FailUninstall3
  7. Once the service has successfully stopped you will be able to click the ‘Retry’ button to continue the Adobe Install/Un-install.

Please Note: you may need to start the service or restart Windows to restore the Windows Search functionality.