Learn how to make a checkbox field in Gravity Forms require all options be ticked if the field is required using the provided code snippet. Requiring all checkboxes to be…
This article explains how to output list field column values using custom merge tags in Gravity Forms. It includes code examples and instructions on how to add a merge tag…
The article provides a solution using PHP's `preg_replace` function to convert URLs from plain text to clickable hyperlinks while removing other unwanted characters. This can be useful when working with…
How to Use the IN Operator in WordPress With WPDB Prepare StatementsThis article explains how to use the IN operator in WordPress with WPDB prepare statements. It covers using integers,…
Learn how to pre-fill list fields in Gravity Forms using the gform_field_value_ parameter name filter and PHP code.How to pre-fill list fields in Gravity Forms using PHP code
This article explains how to combine multiple values from a specific column in a table into a single comma-separated string using SQL.How to combine column values into comma separated text…