Windows 10 – How to change clock to 24 hour format

The steps below show how to change the Windows 10 clock to 24-hour format.

How to change Windows 10 time to 24-hour format

    1. Right-click on the clock at the bottom right of your screen then click on ‘Adjust date/time’
    2. In the right side of the window, click on ‘Date, time, & regional formatting’
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of ‘Regional format data’
    4. Click on ‘Change data formats’
    5. Under ‘Short time’ select ‘9:40’
    6. Close the window
    7. Your time will now be in 24-hour format

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54 comments on “Windows 10 – How to change clock to 24 hour format

  1. [Expletives deleted] This is such a relief! I’ve suffered with that stupid “09:40 AM” format for over a year because I thought that their stupid clock was BROKEN! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! (0940 means “AM” already, and civilians don’t put zeros in their hours, so… I just kinda figured that the zero indicated that I’d set it correctly to 24 hour time, and they’d simply screwed up a beautiful feature.)

  2. Holy sh*t, this is such a relief! I’ve suffered with that stupid “09:40 AM” format for over a year because I thought that their stupid clock was BROKEN! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

    (0940 means “AM” already, and civilians don’t put zeros in their hours, so… I just kinda figured that the zero indicated that I’d set it correctly to 24 give time, and they’d simply screwed up a beautiful feature.)

  3. I needed to come here because of the poor UX on Microsoft’s side.
    The example show:
    9:40 AM and then 09:40, I thought it would still remain in the 12 hour format but would simply strip the AM and PM as many others show a checkbox to switch between the 12 and 24 hour format.

    All they had to do was add an example in the afternoon to make this more obvious.
    Thanks Microsoft 🙁

  4. Thank you! I have no idea why Microsoft didn’t include an afternoon time in the format examples so that you can actually see that you’re changing to 24-hour time.

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