How to find WordPress posts with thumbnails using phpMyAdmin

I recently needed to re-do my image thumbnails inside all WordPress posts.

I decided to use phpMyAdmin to run a SQL query to list all posts with thumbnails, then individually update each post from the WordPress admin.

Here’s the SQL query I used in phpMyAdmin:

FROM `wp_posts`
`post_content` REGEXP '([0-9]+x[0-9]+).(gif|jpeg|bmp|jpg|png)'
AND `post_type` = "post"

How to find WordPress posts with thumbnails

  1. Log into the cPanel for your website. The address is usually, and the username and password would have been provided by your host when you first joined.
  2. Under ‘Databases’ click on the icon for ‘phpMyAdmin’ – this is the tool they provide to manage the databases linked to your hosting service.
  3. WordPress-phpMyAdmin1
  4. Using the left hand manu, click on the ‘wp_posts’ table
  5. WordPress-phpMyAdmin2
  6. Click on the ‘Inline’ link and enter the following query
  7. SELECT *
    FROM `wp_posts`
    WHERE (
    `post_content` REGEXP '([0-9]+x[0-9]+).(gif|jpeg|bmp|jpg|png)'
    AND `post_type` = "post"
  8. WordPress-phpMyAdmin3
  9. Click ‘Go’ to run the query
  10. The results returned will be each post that has a thumbnail in the content.
  11. WordPress-phpMyAdmin4
  12. For each result, take the ID number and enter into the WordPress admin edit URL.
  13. For example,
  14. Now you can edit the post, updating or removing each thumbnail.