This WordPress PHP function demonstrates how to force a user to be the default author for new WordPress posts. Useful if you have multiple users & want posts to be…
Learn how the WordPress login ‘Remember Me’ feature works by storing a cookie on your computer with an authentication token. Customize the expiration period with the help of the auth_cookie_expiration…
Learn about the importance of data sanitization in WordPress plugins and themes, and discover key functions for sanitizing data in WordPress. Explore examples of how to combine data sanitization with…
Learn how to protect your WordPress database queries using prepared statements with our step-by-step guide. Discover how to create prepared database queries, understand how prepared statements work and what types…
Disable PHP Errors in WordPress by changing the value of WP_DEBUG to false in the wp-config.php file. Learn how to prevent errors from showing up on the frontend and backend…
Learn how to validate data in WordPress using the guide and various functions such as is_int(), is_float(), is_email(), wp_http_validate_url(), rest_is_ipaddress(), and more. Protect your website from vulnerabilities by ensuring data…
This article provides a comprehensive list of HTTP status codes along with their descriptions. From 100 to 404, each status code explains why a particular request failed or succeeded.
This WordPress PHP function iterates through all posts in order to apply updates, such as updating article tags. It can be useful for retroactively applying changes to multiple posts. However,…