The `get_term_field()` function in WordPress is used to retrieve a specific term field for a given term, such as the name, description, slug, count, or parent ID
The `get_post_types()` function in WordPress is used to retrieve a list of all registered post type objects, along with their names and singular labels
Helper function that returns the proper pagination arrow HTML for QueryPaginationNext and QueryPaginationPrevious blocks based on the provided paginationArrow from QueryPagination context.
The `get_queried_object()` function in WordPress retrieves the currently queried object, allowing developers to access important information about the subject of the current page
How to Use WordPress `get_queried_object_id()` Function | WPBeginner - Learn How to Use WordPressGet the ID of the currently queried object in WordPress using the `get_queried_object_id()` function