The admin_post_nopriv_{$action} WordPress PHP action fires on a non-authenticated admin post request for the given action.
add_action('admin_post_nopriv_my_custom_action', 'my_custom_function'); function my_custom_function() { // your custom code here }
(string) – The action name to be executed for the non-authenticated admin post request.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: admin_post_nopriv_{$action}
Simple contact form submission
Create a simple contact form submission for non-authenticated users.
// In your theme's functions.php add_action('admin_post_nopriv_submit_contact_form', 'handle_contact_form_submission'); function handle_contact_form_submission() { // Process the submitted contact form data // ... // Redirect the user back to the form page wp_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); exit; }
Custom search request
Create a custom search request for non-authenticated users.
// In your theme's functions.php add_action('admin_post_nopriv_custom_search', 'handle_custom_search_request'); function handle_custom_search_request() { // Process the submitted search query // ... // Redirect the user to the search results page wp_redirect(get_search_link()); exit; }
Vote on a poll
Create a voting system for a poll on your website for non-authenticated users.
// In your theme's functions.php add_action('admin_post_nopriv_vote_poll', 'handle_poll_vote'); function handle_poll_vote() { // Process the submitted vote data // ... // Redirect the user back to the poll page wp_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); exit; }
Submitting a comment
Create a comment submission for non-authenticated users.
// In your theme's functions.php add_action('admin_post_nopriv_submit_comment', 'handle_comment_submission'); function handle_comment_submission() { // Process the submitted comment data // ... // Redirect the user back to the post page wp_redirect(get_permalink($_POST['post_id'])); exit; }
Adding a product to cart
Create an action to add a product to the cart for non-authenticated users in a custom e-commerce system.
// In your theme's functions.php add_action('admin_post_nopriv_add_to_cart', 'handle_add_to_cart'); function handle_add_to_cart() { // Process the submitted product data and add to cart // ... // Redirect the user back to the product page wp_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); exit; }