Using WordPress ‘before_last_bar()’ PHP function

The before_last_bar() WordPress PHP function is designed to remove the last item from a pipe-delimited string, for instance, ‘Role name|User role’. If no pipe ‘|’ characters are found in the string, the original string will be returned.


Here’s an example of how to use the function:

$text = "Admin|Editor|Subscriber";
$result = before_last_bar($text);
echo $result; // Outputs: "Admin|Editor"

In the example above, the before_last_bar() function is removing ‘Subscriber’ from the string since it is the last item after the last pipe ‘|’.


  • $text (string) – This is a required parameter, which represents a pipe-delimited string.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: before_last_bar()

Remember to always check the official documentation for updated information, including the version when this function was implemented, deprecation details, source code location, and related functions.


Simple String

$text = "Apple|Banana|Cherry";
echo before_last_bar($text); 
// This will output: "Apple|Banana"

In this example, ‘Cherry’ is removed from the list of fruits.

String with User Roles

$text = "Administrator|Editor|Author|Contributor";
echo before_last_bar($text); 
// This will output: "Administrator|Editor|Author"

The ‘Contributor’ role is removed from the user roles string.

String with No Pipe Character

$text = "OnlyOneItem";
echo before_last_bar($text); 
// This will output: "OnlyOneItem"

As there’s no pipe character in the string, the original string is returned.

Empty String

$text = "";
echo before_last_bar($text); 
// This will output: ""

An empty string remains empty after the function is called.

String with Multiple Identical Items

$text = "Dog|Dog|Dog|Dog";
echo before_last_bar($text); 
// This will output: "Dog|Dog|Dog"

Even though all items are identical, the function still removes the last ‘Dog’ from the string.