Using WordPress ‘block_header_area()’ PHP function

The block_header_area() WordPress PHP function is used to print the header block template part.


This function can be utilized in your theme’s header.php file to load a custom header block.


Once you call this function, it prints out the header block template part.


This function does not have any parameters.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: block_header_area()


Default Usage

You can simply use the function in the header part of your theme to load a custom header block.

This line of code will print the header block template part. 
Just place it where you want your header block to be displayed.


Conditional Usage

You can use this function within a conditional statement to control when the header block is displayed.

This will print the header block template part only if the function exists,
thus providing a fallback for older versions of WordPress.

if ( function_exists( 'block_header_area' ) ) {

Using with Actions

You can also use it with WordPress actions to dynamically insert the header block in different locations.

This will attach the block_header_area function to the 'get_header' action,
so the header block is printed whenever 'get_header' is called.

add_action( 'get_header', 'block_header_area' );

Overriding in a Child Theme

If you’re working with a child theme and want to change the header block, you can override the function in your child theme.

In your child theme's functions.php file, redefine the function.
This new definition will override the parent theme's definition.

function block_header_area() {
    // Your custom code here

Inside a Hooked Function

It can be used inside another function, which you can then hook into a specific action or filter.

This creates a function that calls block_header_area,
then hooks that function into the 'wp_head' action.

function my_custom_header() {

add_action( 'wp_head', 'my_custom_header' );