Using WordPress ‘blog_details’ PHP filter

The blog_details WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify a blog’s details.


add_filter('blog_details', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function($details) {
    // your custom code here
    return $details;


  • $details (WP_Site): The blog details to be filtered.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: blog_details


Modify blog’s name

Change the blog’s name by appending a custom text.

add_filter('blog_details', 'modify_blog_name');
function modify_blog_name($details) {
    $details->blogname .= ' - Custom Text';
    return $details;

Change blog’s description

Update the blog’s description to a new custom description.

add_filter('blog_details', 'change_blog_description');
function change_blog_description($details) {
    $details->blogdescription = 'My new custom description';
    return $details;

Add a custom field to blog details

Add a custom field to the blog details.

add_filter('blog_details', 'add_custom_field_to_blog_details');
function add_custom_field_to_blog_details($details) {
    $details->custom_field = 'Custom value';
    return $details;

Set custom language for a blog

Set a specific language for the blog.

add_filter('blog_details', 'set_custom_language');
function set_custom_language($details) {
    $details->WPLANG = 'en_US';
    return $details;

Update blog’s home URL

Update the blog’s home URL to a new custom URL.

add_filter('blog_details', 'update_blog_home_url');
function update_blog_home_url($details) {
    $details->home = '';
    return $details;