Using WordPress ‘comment_email’ PHP filter

The comment_email WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the comment author’s email for display purposes. Be cautious when using this filter to protect the email address from email harvesters.


add_filter('comment_email', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2);
function your_custom_function($comment_author_email, $comment) {
  // your custom code here
  return $comment_author_email;


  • $comment_author_email (string) – The comment author’s email address.
  • $comment (WP_Comment) – The comment object.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_email


Obfuscate Email Addresses

Replace the email address with a placeholder to prevent email harvesting.

add_filter('comment_email', 'obfuscate_email_addresses', 10, 2);
function obfuscate_email_addresses($comment_author_email, $comment) {
  return '[email protected]';

Append Domain Name

Append your domain name to the comment author’s email address.

add_filter('comment_email', 'append_domain_name', 10, 2);
function append_domain_name($comment_author_email, $comment) {
  return $comment_author_email . '';

Remove Email TLD

Remove the top-level domain (TLD) from the comment author’s email address.

add_filter('comment_email', 'remove_email_tld', 10, 2);
function remove_email_tld($comment_author_email, $comment) {
  $parts = explode('@', $comment_author_email);
  return $parts[0] . '@';

Replace Specific Domain

Replace a specific domain in the comment author’s email address with another domain.

add_filter('comment_email', 'replace_specific_domain', 10, 2);
function replace_specific_domain($comment_author_email, $comment) {
  return str_replace('', '', $comment_author_email);

Uppercase Email Addresses

Convert the comment author’s email address to uppercase.

add_filter('comment_email', 'uppercase_email_addresses', 10, 2);
function uppercase_email_addresses($comment_author_email, $comment) {
  return strtoupper($comment_author_email);