Using WordPress ‘comment_form_top’ PHP action

The comment_form_top WordPress PHP action fires at the top of the comment form, inside the form tag.


add_action('comment_form_top', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function() {
    // your custom code here


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_form_top


Add a custom message at the top of the comment form

This example adds a custom message at the top of the comment form.

add_action('comment_form_top', 'add_custom_message');
function add_custom_message() {
    echo '<p><strong>Note:</strong> Please be respectful and follow our community guidelines when posting your comment.</p>';

Add a custom CSS class to the comment form

This example adds a custom CSS class to the comment form.

add_action('comment_form_top', 'add_custom_css_class');
function add_custom_css_class() {
    echo '<div class="custom-comment-form-class">';
    // Remember to close the div in another action.

Display the current user’s name

This example displays the current user’s name at the top of the comment form.

add_action('comment_form_top', 'display_current_user_name');
function display_current_user_name() {
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    echo '<p>Welcome, ' . esc_html($current_user->display_name) . '!</p>';

Display a custom field

This example displays a custom field called “comment_instructions” at the top of the comment form.

add_action('comment_form_top', 'display_custom_field');
function display_custom_field() {
    $instructions = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'comment_instructions', true);
    if ($instructions) {
        echo '<p>' . esc_html($instructions) . '</p>';

Display comment count

This example displays the total number of comments for the current post.

add_action('comment_form_top', 'display_comment_count');
function display_comment_count() {
    $comments_count = get_comments_number();
    echo '<p>There are ' . $comments_count . ' comments on this post.</p>';