The comment_notification_text WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the comment notification email text.
add_filter('comment_notification_text', 'custom_comment_notification_text', 10, 2); function custom_comment_notification_text($notify_message, $comment_id) { // your custom code here return $notify_message; }
(string) – The original comment notification email text.$comment_id
(string) – The comment ID as a numeric string.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_notification_text
Customize the email text
Modify the email text for comment notifications.
add_filter('comment_notification_text', 'change_email_text', 10, 2); function change_email_text($notify_message, $comment_id) { $notify_message = "A new comment has been posted on your website:\n\n"; return $notify_message; }
Include the author’s name in the email text
Add the author’s name to the comment notification email.
add_filter('comment_notification_text', 'add_author_name', 10, 2); function add_author_name($notify_message, $comment_id) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id); $author_name = $comment->comment_author; $notify_message = "Author: {$author_name}\n\n" . $notify_message; return $notify_message; }
Add a custom footer to the email text
Add a custom footer to the comment notification email.
add_filter('comment_notification_text', 'add_email_footer', 10, 2); function add_email_footer($notify_message, $comment_id) { $footer = "\n\nThank you for using our website!"; $notify_message .= $footer; return $notify_message; }
Replace a specific word in the email text
Replace a specific word in the comment notification email.
add_filter('comment_notification_text', 'replace_word_in_email', 10, 2); function replace_word_in_email($notify_message, $comment_id) { $notify_message = str_replace('website', 'blog', $notify_message); return $notify_message; }
Add a link to the comment in the email text
Add a link to the comment in the comment notification email.
add_filter('comment_notification_text', 'add_comment_link', 10, 2); function add_comment_link($notify_message, $comment_id) { $comment_link = get_comment_link($comment_id); $notify_message .= "\n\nView the comment: {$comment_link}"; return $notify_message; }