Using WordPress ‘comment_time()’ PHP function

The comment_time() WordPress PHP function is used to display the time of the current comment. It accepts a custom PHP time format and can be applied to a specific comment by using its ID or WP_Comment object.


To use the function, you can simply call it without any parameters to display the time of the current comment in the default format:


To customize the format or specify a comment, you can provide arguments:

comment_time('H:i:s', $comment_id);


  • $format (string, optional) – PHP time format. If not provided, it defaults to the ‘time_format’ option.
  • $comment_id (int|WP_Comment, optional) – The ID or WP_Comment object of the comment for which to print the time. If not provided, it defaults to the current comment.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_time()


Displaying Comment Time in Default Format

This displays the time of the current comment in the default format:

comment_time(); // Output: 22:04:11 (based on the 'time_format' option)

Displaying Comment Time in Custom Format

This displays the time of the current comment in a custom format:

comment_time('H:i:s'); // Output: 22:04:11

Displaying Time of a Specific Comment in Default Format

This displays the time of a specific comment in the default format:

$comment_id = 123; // Replace with your comment ID
comment_time('', $comment_id); // Output: 22:04:11 (based on the 'time_format' option)

Displaying Time of a Specific Comment in Custom Format

This displays the time of a specific comment in a custom format:

$comment_id = 123; // Replace with your comment ID
comment_time('H:i:s', $comment_id); // Output: 22:04:11

Using WP_Comment Object to Display Time in Custom Format

This uses a WP_Comment object to display the comment’s time in a custom format:

$comment = get_comment(123); // Replace with your comment ID
comment_time('H:i:s', $comment); // Output: 22:04:11