Using WordPress ‘comment_type()’ PHP function

The comment_type() WordPress PHP function displays the type of the current comment on a WordPress site. It is typically used within the comment loop to display the type of each comment.


comment_type( $commenttxt, $trackbacktxt, $pingbacktxt );

The function will print out the type of comment – whether it is a regular comment, a trackback, or a pingback. If specific text is provided for each type, that text will be displayed instead.


  • $commenttxt (string|false): Optional. String to display for comment type. Default: false.
  • $trackbacktxt (string|false): Optional. String to display for trackback type. Default: false.
  • $pingbacktxt (string|false): Optional. String to display for pingback type. Default: false.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: comment_type()
The function has been part of WordPress since version 1.5.


Basic Usage

This example displays the comment type of the current comment.

// Inside the comments loop

This will output ‘Comment’, ‘Trackback’, or ‘Pingback’ according to the type of the comment.

Custom Comment Type Texts

This example provides custom text for each type of comment.

// Inside the comments loop
comment_type('Custom Comment Text', 'Custom Trackback Text', 'Custom Pingback Text');

This will output the custom texts specified for each type of comment.

Using with a Conditional

In this example, we only want to display the comment type if it’s not a standard comment.

// Inside the comments loop
if (get_comment_type() !== 'comment') {

This will only output ‘Trackback’ or ‘Pingback’, and will not output anything for regular comments.

Custom Text for Only One Type

Here, we only provide custom text for trackbacks.

// Inside the comments loop
comment_type(false, 'This is a trackback!', false);

This will output ‘This is a trackback!’ for trackbacks, and ‘Comment’ or ‘Pingback’ for the other types.

Displaying Comment Type in a Sentence

This example will incorporate the comment type into a larger piece of text.

// Inside the comments loop
echo 'This is a ';
echo '.';

This will output ‘This is a Comment.’, ‘This is a Trackback.’, or ‘This is a Pingback.’ depending on the comment type.