Using WordPress ‘current_theme_info()’ PHP function

The current_theme_info() WordPress PHP function retrieves information about the currently active theme in a WordPress installation.


Here’s a simple way to use the function:

$theme_info = current_theme_info();
echo 'The current theme is: ' . $theme_info->name;

In this example, the function returns an object containing details about the currently active theme. We then echo the name of the current theme.


  • This function does not accept any parameters.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: current_theme_info()

This function was deprecated in WordPress version 3.4.0. It’s recommended to use wp_get_theme() instead.


Getting Theme Name

Get the name of the current theme.

$theme_info = current_theme_info();
echo 'The current theme name is: ' . $theme_info->name;

Getting Theme Title

Get the title of the current theme.

$theme_info = current_theme_info();
echo 'The current theme title is: ' . $theme_info->title;

Getting Theme Version

Get the version of the current theme.

$theme_info = current_theme_info();
echo 'The current theme version is: ' . $theme_info->version;

Getting Theme’s Template Directory URI

Get the URI of the current theme’s template directory.

$theme_info = current_theme_info();
echo 'The current theme\'s template directory URI is: ' . $theme_info->template_dir;

Getting Theme’s Screenshot

Get the URL of the screenshot for the current theme.

$theme_info = current_theme_info();
echo 'The current theme\'s screenshot URL is: ' . $theme_info->screenshot;

In all these examples, current_theme_info() is used to fetch different details about the currently active theme in a WordPress site.