Using WordPress ‘current_theme_supports()’ PHP function

The current_theme_supports() WordPress PHP function checks if the current theme supports a given feature. This is handy when you need to conditionally add functionality based on theme support.


To check if a theme supports a feature such as ‘custom-logo’, you can do something like this:

if (current_theme_supports('custom-logo')) {
  // The theme supports custom logos.


  • $feature (string): The feature being checked. See add_theme_support() for the list of possible values.
  • $args (mixed): Optional extra arguments to be checked against certain features.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: current_theme_supports()

This function has been implemented since WordPress version 2.9.0. It is not deprecated and you can find the source code in wp-includes/theme.php.


Checking Custom Logo Support

Let’s say you want to display a custom logo if the theme supports it:

if (current_theme_supports('custom-logo')) {

This will display the custom logo if the theme supports it.

Checking HTML5 Support

You may want to use HTML5 elements in the comment form if the theme supports it:

if (current_theme_supports('html5', 'comment-form')) {
  // Use HTML5 markup for the comment form.

This checks if the theme supports HTML5 markup for the comment form.

Checking Post Thumbnails Support

You might want to display post thumbnails only if the theme supports it:

if (current_theme_supports('post-thumbnails')) {

This displays the post thumbnail if the theme supports it.

Checking Custom Header Support

In a case where you want to add a custom header only if the theme supports it:

if (current_theme_supports('custom-header')) {
  // Add a custom header.

This adds a custom header if the theme supports it.

Checking Responsive Embeds Support

If you want to use responsive embeds and need to check if the theme supports it:

if (current_theme_supports('responsive-embeds')) {
  // Use responsive embeds.

This enables you to use responsive embeds if the theme supports it.