Using WordPress ‘customize_render_section’ PHP action

The customize_render_section WordPress PHP action fires before rendering a Customizer section, allowing you to modify the section before it’s displayed.


add_action('customize_render_section', 'your_custom_function', 10, 1);

function your_custom_function($section) {
    // your custom code here
    return $section;


  • $section (WP_Customize_Section): The WP_Customize_Section instance that you can modify or interact with.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: customize_render_section


Add custom HTML to a section

Add extra HTML content to a specific section in the Customizer.

add_action('customize_render_section', 'add_custom_html_to_section', 10, 1);

function add_custom_html_to_section($section) {
    if ('your_section_id' === $section->id) {
        echo '<div class="custom-html">Your custom HTML here.</div>';

Change section title

Modify the title of a specific section in the Customizer.

add_action('customize_render_section', 'change_section_title', 10, 1);

function change_section_title($section) {
    if ('your_section_id' === $section->id) {
        $section->title = 'New Section Title';

Add custom CSS class to a section

Add a custom CSS class to a specific section in the Customizer.

add_action('customize_render_section', 'add_custom_css_class_to_section', 10, 1);

function add_custom_css_class_to_section($section) {
    if ('your_section_id' === $section->id) {
        $section->container_class .= ' custom-class';

Change section description

Modify the description of a specific section in the Customizer.

add_action('customize_render_section', 'change_section_description', 10, 1);

function change_section_description($section) {
    if ('your_section_id' === $section->id) {
        $section->description = 'New section description.';

Hide a section based on user role

Hide a specific section in the Customizer for users with a certain role.

add_action('customize_render_section', 'hide_section_for_role', 10, 1);

function hide_section_for_role($section) {
    $user = wp_get_current_user();
    if (in_array('your_role', $user->roles) && 'your_section_id' === $section->id) {
        $section->active_callback = '__return_false';