Using WordPress ‘dbdelta_queries’ PHP filter

The dbdelta_queries WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the array of SQL queries used by the dbDelta function, which updates a WordPress database schema.


add_filter('dbdelta_queries', 'your_custom_function');
function your_custom_function($queries) {
  // your custom code here
  return $queries;


  • $queries (string[]): An array of dbDelta SQL queries.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: dbdelta_queries


Adding a new table to the database

Add a new custom table called ‘my_custom_table’ to the WordPress database.

add_filter('dbdelta_queries', 'add_my_custom_table');
function add_my_custom_table($queries) {
  $queries[] = "CREATE TABLE my_custom_table (
    id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY  (id)
  return $queries;

Modifying an existing table

Add a new column ’email’ to the existing ‘my_custom_table’.

add_filter('dbdelta_queries', 'modify_my_custom_table');
function modify_my_custom_table($queries) {
  $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE my_custom_table ADD email varchar(255) NOT NULL";
  return $queries;

Removing a table from the database

Remove ‘my_custom_table’ from the WordPress database.

add_filter('dbdelta_queries', 'remove_my_custom_table');
function remove_my_custom_table($queries) {
  $queries[] = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_custom_table";
  return $queries;

Adding an index to a table

Add a unique index for the ’email’ column in ‘my_custom_table’.

add_filter('dbdelta_queries', 'add_index_to_my_custom_table');
function add_index_to_my_custom_table($queries) {
  $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE my_custom_table ADD UNIQUE (email)";
  return $queries;

Modifying multiple tables

Add a new column ‘created_at’ to both ‘my_custom_table’ and ‘another_custom_table’.

add_filter('dbdelta_queries', 'modify_multiple_tables');
function modify_multiple_tables($queries) {
  $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE my_custom_table ADD created_at datetime NOT NULL";
  $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE another_custom_table ADD created_at datetime NOT NULL";
  return $queries;