Using WordPress ‘default_password_nag()’ PHP function

The default_password_nag() WordPress PHP function checks if the logged-in user is using the default WordPress password, ‘admin’. It can be used to remind users to change their default password to enhance security.


The default_password_nag() function is simple to use as it does not take any parameters.



The default_password_nag() function does not have any parameters.

More Information

See WordPress Developer Resources: default_password_nag

This function was introduced in WordPress 2.8.1 and is not deprecated as of the last update. Source code can be found in the wp-admin/includes/user.php file. Related functions include wp_set_password() and wp_check_password().


Basic Usage

In this example, we’re simply running the default_password_nag() function.

// Run the default_password_nag function

Display a Warning Message

In this example, we’re using the default_password_nag() function to display a warning message if the user is using the default password.

// Use default_password_nag function inside an if statement
if ( default_password_nag() ) {
    echo 'You are using the default password. Please change it.';

Redirect User

This example redirects the user to a password change page if they’re using the default password.

// Use default_password_nag function inside an if statement
if ( default_password_nag() ) {

Disable Certain Functionality

This example shows how to use default_password_nag() to disable certain functionality if the user is using the default password.

// Check if user is using default password
if ( default_password_nag() ) {
    // Disable a certain functionality here

Check Before Posting

In this example, we check if the user is using the default password before they can post on a forum.

// Check if user is using default password before posting
if ( default_password_nag() ) {
    die('You cannot post until you change your password from the default');