Using WordPress ‘default_password_nag_edit_user()’ PHP function

The default_password_nag_edit_user() WordPress PHP function is used to update the user meta data after password reset. This function sets the ‘default_password_nag’ meta key to false, disabling the “You’re using the default WordPress password.” notification for the specified user.


Here’s a basic usage of the function:

default_password_nag_edit_user($user_id, $old_data);

In this example, $user_id is the user’s ID, and $old_data is the old user data.


  • $user_ID (int): This is the unique identifier of the user. It is required.
  • $old_data (WP_User): This is the old user data before the update. It is also required.

More Information

See WordPress Developer Resources: default_password_nag_edit_user()
This function has been implemented since WordPress version 3.0.0.


Update user meta data

In this example, the default_password_nag_edit_user() function is used to update the user meta data for user ID 1.

$user_id = 1;
$old_data = get_userdata($user_id);

default_password_nag_edit_user($user_id, $old_data);

Update user meta data for multiple users

This example updates the user meta data for multiple users using an array of user IDs.

$user_ids = array(1, 2, 3);
foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
  $old_data = get_userdata($user_id);
  default_password_nag_edit_user($user_id, $old_data);

Update user meta data after password reset

This example updates the user meta data after a password reset.

$user_id = 1;
$old_data = get_userdata($user_id);

wp_set_password('new_password', $user_id);
default_password_nag_edit_user($user_id, $old_data);

Update user meta data using user email

This example updates the user meta data using a user’s email.

$user_email = '[email protected]';
$user = get_user_by('email', $user_email);
$old_data = get_userdata($user->ID);

default_password_nag_edit_user($user->ID, $old_data);

Update user meta data for all users

This example updates the user meta data for all users.

$users = get_users();
foreach ($users as $user) {
  $old_data = get_userdata($user->ID);
  default_password_nag_edit_user($user->ID, $old_data);