Using WordPress ‘display_setup_form()’ PHP function

The display_setup_form() WordPress PHP function is used to display the installer setup form.


Here’s a simple way to use the display_setup_form() function. It doesn’t take any arguments, so you just need to call it like this:


This will output the installer setup form. If there’s an error, it will be displayed in the form.


  • $error (string|null): This is an optional parameter. If an error message is passed to it, this error will be displayed in the form. Default value is null.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: display_setup_form()

This function is used during the setup process of a new WordPress installation. It is not typically used in themes or plugins.


Display the setup form

In this case, we simply display the setup form.


Display the setup form with an error message

In this case, we pass an error message to the function. This message will be displayed in the form.

$error = "An error occurred. Please try again.";

Check if a condition is met before displaying the form

In this case, we check if a condition is met (in this case, if a variable $condition is true). If it is, the form is displayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed in the form.

$condition = true; // This should be replaced with your actual condition
$error = "An error occurred. Please check the conditions and try again.";

if ($condition) {
} else {

Display the form or redirect the user

In this case, if a condition is met, the form is displayed. If not, the user is redirected to a different page and an error message is passed to the form in the redirected page.

$condition = true; // This should be replaced with your actual condition
$error = "An error occurred. You have been redirected.";

if ($condition) {
} else {

Change the error message based on a specific condition

In this case, we have two conditions. Depending on which condition is met, a different error message is displayed in the form.

$condition1 = true; // This should be replaced with your actual condition
$condition2 = false; // This should be replaced with your actual condition
$error1 = "Error 1: Please check the conditions and try again.";
$error2 = "Error 2: Please check the conditions and try again.";

if ($condition1) {
} elseif ($condition2) {
} else {