Using WordPress ‘do_blocks()’ PHP function

The do_blocks() WordPress PHP function parses dynamic blocks out of post_content and re-renders them.


To utilize the do_blocks() function, pass the post content as a string. Here’s an example:

$post_content = 'This is a post with a [shortcode]';
$rendered_content = do_blocks($post_content);
echo $rendered_content;

In this example, the function will find the dynamic blocks inside the $post_content, re-render them, and then return the re-rendered content.


  • $content (string) – The post content that needs to be parsed for dynamic blocks.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: do_blocks()
This function is part of the WordPress core and is not deprecated as of the latest version.


Basic Usage

$post_content = 'Hello, World! [block]';
$rendered_content = do_blocks($post_content);
echo $rendered_content;

This code will parse any dynamic blocks inside the $post_content and output the re-rendered content.

With a Custom Block

$post_content = 'Welcome to my website [custom_block]';
$rendered_content = do_blocks($post_content);
echo $rendered_content;

This will parse and render the ‘custom_block’ in the given $post_content.

With Multiple Blocks

$post_content = 'This is a post with [block1] and [block2]';
$rendered_content = do_blocks($post_content);
echo $rendered_content;

This code will find both ‘block1’ and ‘block2’ in the $post_content, render them, and output the result.

No Blocks Present

$post_content = 'Just a regular post content without any blocks';
$rendered_content = do_blocks($post_content);
echo $rendered_content;

Here, since there are no dynamic blocks in the $post_content, the function will simply return the original content.

Nested Blocks

$post_content = 'This is a post with a [parent_block [child_block]]';
$rendered_content = do_blocks($post_content);
echo $rendered_content;

In this example, the function will parse and render both the ‘parent_block’ and the nested ‘child_block’ from the $post_content.