The dynamic_sidebar WordPress PHP action fires before a widget’s display callback is called. This action occurs on both the front end and back end, including for widgets in the Inactive Widgets sidebar on the Widgets screen. It doesn’t fire for empty sidebars.
add_action('dynamic_sidebar', 'your_custom_function', 10, 2); function your_custom_function($widget, $params) { // your custom code here return $widget; }
(array) – An associative array of widget arguments.$params
(array) – An associative array of multi-widget arguments.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: dynamic_sidebar
Add a custom class to a widget
Add a custom CSS class to a specific widget by modifying the ‘classname’ parameter.
add_action('dynamic_sidebar', 'add_custom_class_to_widget', 10, 2); function add_custom_class_to_widget($widget, $params) { if ($widget['id'] == 'your_widget_id') { $params['classname'] .= ' your-custom-class'; } return $widget; }
Modify widget title
Change the title of a specific widget.
add_action('dynamic_sidebar', 'modify_widget_title', 10, 2); function modify_widget_title($widget, $params) { if ($widget['name'] == 'your_widget_name') { $widget['name'] = 'New Widget Title'; } return $widget; }
Display widget only on specific pages
Prevent a specific widget from displaying on certain pages.
add_action('dynamic_sidebar', 'display_widget_on_specific_pages', 10, 2); function display_widget_on_specific_pages($widget, $params) { if ($widget['id'] == 'your_widget_id' && !is_page('your_page_slug')) { return false; } return $widget; }
Add custom HTML before widget content
Insert custom HTML before the widget content.
add_action('dynamic_sidebar', 'add_html_before_widget', 10, 2); function add_html_before_widget($widget, $params) { if ($widget['id'] == 'your_widget_id') { echo '<div class="custom-html">Your custom HTML here</div>'; } return $widget; }
Add custom HTML after widget content
Insert custom HTML after the widget content.
add_action('dynamic_sidebar', 'add_html_after_widget', 10, 2); function add_html_after_widget($widget, $params) { if ($widget['id'] == 'your_widget_id') { echo '<div class="custom-html">Your custom HTML here</div>'; } return $widget; }