The embed_handler_html WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the HTML output of an embedded media item in a WordPress post or page.
add_filter('embed_handler_html', 'my_custom_function', 10, 3); function my_custom_function($return, $url, $attr) { // your custom code here return $return; }
- $return (string|false) – The HTML result of the shortcode, or false on failure.
- $url (string) – The embed URL.
- $attr (array) – An array of shortcode attributes.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: embed_handler_html
Add a custom class to embedded videos
Add a custom CSS class to all embedded videos for styling purposes.
add_filter('embed_handler_html', 'add_custom_class_to_embeds', 10, 3); function add_custom_class_to_embeds($return, $url, $attr) { // Add a custom class to the embedded media $return = str_replace('<iframe', '<iframe class="my-custom-class"', $return); return $return; }
Wrap embeds in a responsive container
Wrap embedded media in a div container with a responsive class.
add_filter('embed_handler_html', 'wrap_embeds_in_responsive_container', 10, 3); function wrap_embeds_in_responsive_container($return, $url, $attr) { // Wrap the embed in a responsive container $return = '<div class="responsive-embed">' . $return . '</div>'; return $return; }
Add a custom attribute to embedded iframes
Add a custom attribute to all embedded iframes, such as “sandbox” for security purposes.
add_filter('embed_handler_html', 'add_custom_attribute_to_iframes', 10, 3); function add_custom_attribute_to_iframes($return, $url, $attr) { // Add a custom attribute to the iframe $return = str_replace('<iframe', '<iframe sandbox="allow-scripts"', $return); return $return; }
Remove specific URL parameters from embeds
Remove URL parameters, such as “autoplay”, from embedded media items.
add_filter('embed_handler_html', 'remove_autoplay_parameter', 10, 3); function remove_autoplay_parameter($return, $url, $attr) { // Remove autoplay parameter from the embedded media URL $return = preg_replace('/autoplay=1/', '', $return); return $return; }
Modify the maximum width of embeds
Change the maximum width of all embedded media items.
add_filter('embed_handler_html', 'modify_max_width_of_embeds', 10, 3); function modify_max_width_of_embeds($return, $url, $attr) { // Set the maximum width to 800px $return = preg_replace('/width="\d+"/', 'width="800"', $return); return $return; }