Using WordPress ’embed_head’ PHP action

The embed_head WordPress PHP action allows you to insert custom scripts or data into the head tag of the embed template.


add_action('embed_head', 'your_function_name');
function your_function_name() {
    // your custom code here


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: embed_head


Add a custom CSS style to the embed template head

This code adds a custom CSS style to change the background color of the embed template.

add_action('embed_head', 'add_custom_css_style');
function add_custom_css_style() {
    echo '<style>body { background-color: #f5f5f5; }</style>';

Add a Google Analytics tracking code

This code adds Google Analytics tracking code to the embed template head.

add_action('embed_head', 'add_google_analytics');
function add_google_analytics() {
    echo "<script async src=''></script>";
    echo "<script>window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());
    gtag('config', 'UA-XXXXXX-Y');</script>";

Add custom meta tags

This code adds custom meta tags for description and keywords to the embed template head.

add_action('embed_head', 'add_custom_meta_tags');
function add_custom_meta_tags() {
    echo '<meta name="description" content="A custom description for the embedded post">';
    echo '<meta name="keywords" content="wordpress, embed, custom">';

Add a custom JavaScript file

This code adds a custom JavaScript file to the embed template head.

add_action('embed_head', 'add_custom_js');
function add_custom_js() {
    echo '<script src="/path/to/your/custom.js"></script>';

Add a custom favicon

This code adds a custom favicon to the embed template head.

add_action('embed_head', 'add_custom_favicon');
function add_custom_favicon() {
    echo '<link rel="icon" href="/path/to/your/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">';