Using WordPress ‘force_ssl_content()’ PHP function

The force_ssl_content() WordPress PHP function determines whether to force SSL on content.


Here’s an example of how to use the function:

$ssl_required = force_ssl_content( true );

In the above example, we are setting $ssl_required to true, which means SSL will be forced on the content.


  • $force (bool): Optional. Default is ''. When set to true, SSL will be enforced on the content.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: force_ssl_content()
Please note that this function may become deprecated in future versions of WordPress due to increasing standard usage of SSL.


Enforcing SSL on content

$ssl_required = force_ssl_content( true );

This code sets $ssl_required to true, meaning SSL will be forced on the content.

Not enforcing SSL on content

$ssl_required = force_ssl_content( false );

This code sets $ssl_required to false, meaning SSL will not be forced on the content.

Checking if SSL is enforced

$ssl_required = force_ssl_content();
if ( $ssl_required ) {
    echo "SSL is enforced";
} else {
    echo "SSL is not enforced";

In this code, we first get the current state of $ssl_required. Then, we use an if statement to check if SSL is enforced or not.

Changing SSL enforcement based on condition

if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    $ssl_required = force_ssl_content( true );
} else {
    $ssl_required = force_ssl_content( false );

In this example, SSL is enforced when a user is logged in. Otherwise, SSL is not enforced.

Returning SSL enforcement state

function is_ssl_forced() {
    $ssl_required = force_ssl_content();
    return $ssl_required;

In this function, we simply return the current state of SSL enforcement.

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