Using WordPress ‘funky_javascript_fix()’ PHP function

The funky_javascript_fix() WordPress PHP function converts unicode characters to HTML numbered entities. This helps in fixing JavaScript bugs that may arise in certain browsers.


Here’s a basic way to use this function:

$text = "Your text with unicode characters!";
$safe_text = funky_javascript_fix($text);
echo $safe_text;

In this example, the $text variable is first defined with a string containing unicode characters. The function funky_javascript_fix() is then called with $text as its parameter. The output is a safe string, which is then printed.


  • $text (string): Required. The text that needs to be made safe.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: funky_javascript_fix()

This function is typically used when there’s a need to ensure that JavaScript code doesn’t break due to text with unicode characters. Always ensure that the input string is properly formatted.


Basic Usage

This code converts a string with unicode characters to a safe string.

$text = "Hello \u{1F30D}!";
$safe_text = funky_javascript_fix($text);
echo $safe_text;  // Outputs: Hello 🌍!

In this example, the funky_javascript_fix() function converts the unicode character to an HTML numbered entity.

Text with Multiple Unicode Characters

This code converts a string with multiple unicode characters to a safe string.

$text = "I love \u{1F499}\u{1F49A}\u{1F499}!";
$safe_text = funky_javascript_fix($text);
echo $safe_text;  // Outputs: I love 💙💚💙!

The function helps to convert all the unicode characters in the string to HTML numbered entities.

Text with Special Characters

This code converts a string with special unicode characters to a safe string.

$text = "Special characters: \u{20AC}\u{00A9}\u{00AE}";
$safe_text = funky_javascript_fix($text);
echo $safe_text;  // Outputs: Special characters: €©®

The function converts the special unicode characters (Euro sign, Copyright sign, Registered sign) to HTML numbered entities.

Text with Emojis

This code converts a string with emojis (unicode characters) to a safe string.

$text = "Emojis: \u{1F600}\u{1F607}\u{1F606}";
$safe_text = funky_javascript_fix($text);
echo $safe_text;  // Outputs: Emojis: 😀😇😆

The function converts the emojis to HTML numbered entities, making them safe for use in JavaScript.

Text with No Unicode Characters

This code converts a string with no unicode characters.

$text = "Hello World!";
$safe_text = funky_javascript_fix($text);
echo $safe_text;  // Outputs: Hello World!

In this case, the function simply returns the original string as there are no unicode characters to convert.