Using WordPress ‘get_category_by_path()’ PHP function

The get_category_by_path() WordPress PHP function retrieves a category based on a URL containing the category slug.


get_category_by_path($category_path, $full_match = true, $output = OBJECT);


$categ = get_category_by_path('uncategorized');
printf(__('Category %s', 'textdomain'), $categ->name);


  • $category_path (string) – Required. URL containing category slugs.
  • $full_match (bool) – Optional. Whether the full path should be matched. Default: true.
  • $output (string) – Optional. The required return type. One of OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N, which correspond to a WP_Term object, an associative array, or a numeric array, respectively. Default: OBJECT.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_category_by_path()


Get a category by slug

In this example, we get a category using the category slug, and display its name.

$categ = get_category_by_path('news');
echo 'Category: ' . $categ->name;

Get a category by partial path

In this example, we get a category by partial path and display its ID.

$categ = get_category_by_path('parent-category/news', false);
echo 'Category ID: ' . $categ->term_id;

Get a category as an associative array

In this example, we retrieve a category as an associative array, and display its name.

$categ = get_category_by_path('tech', true, ARRAY_A);
echo 'Category: ' . $categ['name'];

Get a category as a numeric array

In this example, we retrieve a category as a numeric array, and display its ID.

$categ = get_category_by_path('business', true, ARRAY_N);
echo 'Category ID: ' . $categ[0];

Check for WP_Error

In this example, we retrieve a category and check for a WP_Error object before displaying its name.

$categ = get_category_by_path('nonexistent-category');

if (!is_wp_error($categ)) {
    echo 'Category: ' . $categ->name;
} else {
    echo 'Error: ' . $categ->get_error_message();