The get_comment_author_IP() WordPress PHP function retrieves the IP address of the author of the current comment.
$author_IP = get_comment_author_IP($comment_id);
- $comment_id (int|WP_Comment, Optional): WP_Comment or the ID of the comment for which to get the author’s IP address. Default is the current comment.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: get_comment_author_IP()
Get IP address of a specific comment
$comment_id = 42; // The ID of the comment you want to get the IP address for $author_IP = get_comment_author_IP($comment_id); echo "The IP address of the comment author is: " . $author_IP;
Display IP address for each comment on a post
$comments = get_comments(array('post_id' => get_the_ID())); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $author_IP = get_comment_author_IP($comment); echo "IP address for comment " . $comment->comment_ID . ": " . $author_IP . "<br>"; }
Filter comments by IP address
$ip_to_filter = ''; $comments = get_comments(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $author_IP = get_comment_author_IP($comment); if ($author_IP == $ip_to_filter) { echo "Comment ID " . $comment->comment_ID . " has IP address: " . $author_IP . "<br>"; } }
Log comment IP addresses for moderation purposes
function log_comment_IP_addresses($comment_id) { $comment = get_comment($comment_id); $author_IP = get_comment_author_IP($comment); error_log("Comment ID " . $comment_id . " has IP address: " . $author_IP); } add_action('comment_post', 'log_comment_IP_addresses', 10, 1);
Display a message to the comment author based on their IP address
$comment = get_comment(123); // Replace with a valid comment ID $author_IP = get_comment_author_IP($comment); $special_ip = ''; if ($author_IP == $special_ip) { echo "Hello, special user from IP " . $author_IP . "!"; } else { echo "Hello, user from IP " . $author_IP . "!"; }