Using WordPress ‘get_comment_author_rss()’ PHP function

The get_comment_author_rss() WordPress PHP function retrieves the current comment author for use in the feeds.


echo get_comment_author_rss();

Input: A comment on a post.
Output: The comment author’s name in an RSS feed.


  • None

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_comment_author_rss()


Display the comment author’s name in an RSS feed

This code displays the comment author’s name in an RSS feed for each comment on a post.

// Inside the comments loop
echo '<author>' . get_comment_author_rss() . '</author>';

Customize comment author’s name display in an RSS feed

This code customizes the comment author’s name display in an RSS feed by adding a prefix “By: ” before the name.

// Inside the comments loop
echo '<author>By: ' . get_comment_author_rss() . '</author>';

Adding comment author’s name to an RSS item’s title

This code adds the comment author’s name to an RSS item’s title.

// Inside the comments loop
echo '<title>Comment by ' . get_comment_author_rss() . ': ' . get_comment_text() . '</title>';

Display comment author’s name and URL in an RSS feed

This code displays the comment author’s name and their website URL in an RSS feed.

// Inside the comments loop
echo '<author>';
echo get_comment_author_rss() . ' (' . get_comment_author_url_rss() . ')';
echo '</author>';

Using the comment author’s name in a custom RSS feed

This code creates a custom RSS feed for comments, displaying the author’s name, date, and comment content.

// Inside the comments loop
echo '<item>';
echo '  <title>Comment by ' . get_comment_author_rss() . '</title>';
echo '  <pubDate>' . get_comment_date( 'r' ) . '</pubDate>';
echo '  <description><![CDATA[' . get_comment_text() . ']]></description>';
echo '</item>';