Using WordPress ‘get_current_site_name()’ PHP function

The get_current_site_name() WordPress PHP function is a deprecated function that used to set the site_name property of the $current_site object.


$current_site_name = get_current_site_name( $current_site );


  • $current_site (WP_Network) – Required. The current site object.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_current_site_name()
Important: This function is deprecated. Use get_current_site()->site_name instead.


Get the current site name

// Get the current site object
$current_site = get_current_site();

// Get the site name using the recommended method
$site_name = $current_site->site_name;

// Display the site name
echo "Site Name: " . $site_name;

Display site name in a heading

// Get the current site object
$current_site = get_current_site();

// Get the site name using the recommended method
$site_name = $current_site->site_name;

// Display the site name in an H1 tag
echo "<h1>" . $site_name . "</h1>";

Set the site name in the title tag

// Get the current site object
$current_site = get_current_site();

// Get the site name using the recommended method
$site_name = $current_site->site_name;

// Set the site name in the title tag
echo "<title>" . $site_name . " | Your Website</title>";

Display a welcome message with the site name

// Get the current site object
$current_site = get_current_site();

// Get the site name using the recommended method
$site_name = $current_site->site_name;

// Display a welcome message with the site name
echo "Welcome to " . $site_name . "! We hope you enjoy your visit.";
// Get the current site object
$current_site = get_current_site();

// Get the site name using the recommended method
$site_name = $current_site->site_name;

// Display the site name in the footer
echo "<footer>© " . date("Y") . " " . $site_name . ". All rights reserved.</footer>";