Using WordPress ‘get_file()’ PHP function

The get_file() WordPress PHP function retrieves the content of a file and returns it as a string.


To use the get_file() function, simply provide the file path as an argument:

$content = get_file('path/to/your/file.txt');
echo $content;


  • file_path (string): The path to the file you want to retrieve the content from.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_file()


Read and display the content of a text file

// Read the content of 'file.txt' and store it in the $content variable
$content = get_file('file.txt');
// Display the content of the file
echo $content;

Read and display a CSS file

// Read the content of 'style.css' and store it in the $css variable
$css = get_file('style.css');
// Output the CSS content as an inline style
echo '<style>' . $css . '</style>';

Read and display an HTML file as part of a template

// Read the content of 'header.html' and store it in the $header variable
$header = get_file('header.html');
// Output the HTML content as part of the template
echo $header;

Read a configuration file and parse it as JSON

// Read the content of 'config.json' and store it in the $config variable
$config = get_file('config.json');
// Parse the JSON content and store it in the $config_array variable
$config_array = json_decode($config, true);
// Access the 'title' key from the configuration array
$title = $config_array['title'];

Read and display the content of a log file

// Read the content of 'error.log' and store it in the $log variable
$log = get_file('error.log');
// Display the content of the log file as preformatted text
echo '<pre>' . $log . '</pre>';