Using WordPress ‘get_lastcommentmodified()’ PHP function

The get_lastcommentmodified() WordPress PHP function retrieves the date the last comment was modified.



Custom example:

$last_modified = get_lastcommentmodified('blog');
echo 'The last comment was modified on: ' . $last_modified;


  • $timezone (string) (Optional) – Which timezone to use in reference to ‘gmt’, ‘blog’, or ‘server’ locations. Default: ‘server’.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_lastcommentmodified()


Display last comment modified date in GMT

Retrieve and display the date when the last comment was modified in GMT timezone.

$last_modified_gmt = get_lastcommentmodified('gmt');
echo 'The last comment was modified on (GMT): ' . $last_modified_gmt;

Display last comment modified date in blog timezone

Retrieve and display the date when the last comment was modified in the blog’s timezone.

$last_modified_blog = get_lastcommentmodified('blog');
echo 'The last comment was modified on (Blog Timezone): ' . $last_modified_blog;

Display last comment modified date in server timezone

Retrieve and display the date when the last comment was modified in the server’s timezone.

$last_modified_server = get_lastcommentmodified('server');
echo 'The last comment was modified on (Server Timezone): ' . $last_modified_server;

Display last comment modified date in a formatted string

Retrieve the last comment modified date and display it in a formatted string.

$last_modified = get_lastcommentmodified('blog');
$formatted_date = date('F j, Y, g:i a', strtotime($last_modified));
echo 'The last comment was modified on: ' . $formatted_date;

Display a message if no comments have been modified

Check if there is a last comment modified date, and display a message if no comments have been modified.

$last_modified = get_lastcommentmodified('blog');
if ($last_modified) {
    echo 'The last comment was modified on: ' . $last_modified;
} else {
    echo 'No comments have been modified.';