Using WordPress ‘get_linkcatname()’ PHP function

The get_linkcatname() WordPress PHP function retrieves the name of a link category by its ID.


echo get_linkcatname( $category_id );


echo get_linkcatname( 5 ); // Output: "Technology"


  • $id (int): The ID of the link category you want to get the name of. If no category is supplied, it defaults to 0.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_linkcatname


This code retrieves the name of a link category with the ID 3 and displays it on the page.

$category_id = 3;
$category_name = get_linkcatname( $category_id );
echo "Link category name: " . $category_name;

This code creates a custom list of link category names using their IDs.

$categories = array(1, 2, 3);

echo "<ul>";
foreach ($categories as $category_id) {
    $category_name = get_linkcatname( $category_id );
    echo "<li>" . $category_name . "</li>";
echo "</ul>";

This code checks if a link category with a specific ID exists.

$category_id = 4;
$category_name = get_linkcatname( $category_id );

if ( !empty( $category_name ) ) {
    echo "Link category exists.";
} else {
    echo "Link category not found.";

This code displays link categories with names containing the keyword “tech” (case-insensitive).

$categories = get_terms( 'link_category' );
$keyword = 'tech';

echo "<ul>";
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
    if ( stripos( $category->name, $keyword ) !== false ) {
        echo "<li>" . $category->name . "</li>";
echo "</ul>";

This code combines two link categories based on their names and displays the new combined name.

$category_id_1 = 2;
$category_id_2 = 3;

$category_name_1 = get_linkcatname( $category_id_1 );
$category_name_2 = get_linkcatname( $category_id_2 );

$new_category_name = $category_name_1 . ' & ' . $category_name_2;
echo "Combined link category: " . $new_category_name;