Using WordPress ‘get_to_ping’ PHP filter

The get_to_ping WordPress PHP filter allows you to modify the list of URLs that are yet to be pinged for a given post.


add_filter('get_to_ping', 'your_custom_function_name');
function your_custom_function_name($to_ping) {
  // your custom code here
  return $to_ping;


  • $to_ping (string[]): List of URLs yet to ping.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: get_to_ping


Remove a specific URL from the ping list

Remove “” from the list of URLs to ping.

add_filter('get_to_ping', 'remove_specific_url_from_ping');
function remove_specific_url_from_ping($to_ping) {
  $url_to_remove = '';
  $to_ping = array_diff($to_ping, array($url_to_remove));
  return $to_ping;

Add a URL to the ping list

Add “” to the list of URLs to ping.

add_filter('get_to_ping', 'add_url_to_ping');
function add_url_to_ping($to_ping) {
  array_push($to_ping, '');
  return $to_ping;

Clear the ping list

Remove all URLs from the list to prevent pinging.

add_filter('get_to_ping', 'clear_ping_list');
function clear_ping_list($to_ping) {
  $to_ping = array();
  return $to_ping;

Replace the ping list with a custom list

Replace the original list of URLs with a custom list of URLs to ping.

add_filter('get_to_ping', 'replace_ping_list');
function replace_ping_list($to_ping) {
  $to_ping = array('', '');
  return $to_ping;

Remove duplicate URLs from the ping list

Remove duplicate URLs from the list to ping only unique sites.

add_filter('get_to_ping', 'remove_duplicate_urls');
function remove_duplicate_urls($to_ping) {
  $to_ping = array_unique($to_ping);
  return $to_ping;