The get_translations_for_domain() WordPress PHP function returns the Translations instance for a specific text domain.
$translations = get_translations_for_domain($domain);
$domain (string)
– The text domain, which serves as a unique identifier for retrieving translated strings.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: get_translations_for_domain
Load Translation Instance for a Theme
Retrieve the translation instance for a theme’s text domain.
$domain = 'my_theme'; $translations = get_translations_for_domain($domain);
Load Translation Instance for a Plugin
Retrieve the translation instance for a plugin’s text domain.
$domain = 'my_plugin'; $translations = get_translations_for_domain($domain);
Translate a String with a Loaded Translation Instance
Translate a string using the translation instance for a specific text domain.
$domain = 'my_theme'; $translations = get_translations_for_domain($domain); $translated_string = $translations->translate('Hello, world!'); echo $translated_string;
Use Translation Instance with a Formatted String
Translate a string with placeholders using the translation instance for a specific text domain.
$domain = 'my_theme'; $translations = get_translations_for_domain($domain); $translated_string = $translations->translate('Welcome, %s!'); echo sprintf($translated_string, 'John');
Check if a Translation Instance is Empty
Check if the translation instance for a specific text domain is empty, and if it is, provide a default translation.
$domain = 'my_theme'; $translations = get_translations_for_domain($domain); if ($translations->is_empty()) { $translated_string = 'Default translation'; } else { $translated_string = $translations->translate('Original text'); } echo $translated_string;