The get_wp_title_rss WordPress PHP filter modifies the blog title for use as the feed title.
add_filter('get_wp_title_rss', 'your_function_name', 10, 2); function your_function_name($title, $deprecated) { // your custom code here return $title; }
(string) – The current blog title.$deprecated
(string) – Unused.
More information
See WordPress Developer Resources: get_wp_title_rss
Append custom text to the feed title
Modify the blog title in the RSS feed by appending custom text.
add_filter('get_wp_title_rss', 'append_custom_text', 10, 2); function append_custom_text($title, $deprecated) { $title .= ' - Custom Text'; return $title; }
Prepend site name to the feed title
Add the site name before the blog title in the RSS feed.
add_filter('get_wp_title_rss', 'prepend_site_name', 10, 2); function prepend_site_name($title, $deprecated) { $site_name = get_bloginfo('name'); $title = $site_name . ' - ' . $title; return $title; }
Replace specific text in the feed title
Replace specific text in the blog title for the RSS feed.
add_filter('get_wp_title_rss', 'replace_specific_text', 10, 2); function replace_specific_text($title, $deprecated) { $title = str_replace('Old Text', 'New Text', $title); return $title; }
Uppercase the feed title
Change the blog title in the RSS feed to uppercase.
add_filter('get_wp_title_rss', 'uppercase_feed_title', 10, 2); function uppercase_feed_title($title, $deprecated) { $title = strtoupper($title); return $title; }
Add post count to the feed title
Add the total number of published posts to the blog title in the RSS feed.
add_filter('get_wp_title_rss', 'add_post_count', 10, 2); function add_post_count($title, $deprecated) { $post_count = wp_count_posts()->publish; $title .= ' (' . $post_count . ' Posts)'; return $title; }