Using WordPress ‘global_terms()’ PHP function

The global_terms WordPress PHP function maintains a canonical list of terms by syncing terms created for each blog with the global terms table.


global_terms($term_id, $deprecated = '');


  • $term_id (int) – Required: An ID for a term on the current blog.
  • $deprecated (string) – Optional: Not used. Default: ”.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: global_terms


Syncing a term

This example syncs a term with the ID of 10 to the global terms table.

$term_id = 10;

Syncing a term with deprecated parameter

This example syncs a term with the ID of 15 to the global terms table and includes the deprecated parameter.

$term_id = 15;
$deprecated = 'Deprecated';
global_terms($term_id, $deprecated);

Syncing a term after creating a new category

This example creates a new category and syncs the created term to the global terms table.

$new_category = wp_create_category('New Category');

Syncing a term after creating a new tag

This example creates a new tag and syncs the created term to the global terms table.

$new_tag = wp_create_tag('New Tag');
if (!is_wp_error($new_tag)) {

Syncing a term after updating a category

This example updates a category’s name and syncs the term to the global terms table.

$term_id = 25;
$updated_category = wp_update_term($term_id, 'category', array('name' => 'Updated Category'));
if (!is_wp_error($updated_category)) {