Using WordPress ‘has_term()’ PHP function

The has_term() WordPress PHP function checks if the current post has any of the given terms.


has_term($term, $taxonomy, $post)

Custom Example:

Input: has_term('jazz', 'genre')

Output: true or false


  • $term (string|int|array) – Optional. The term name, term_id, slug, or an array of them to check for. Default: ''
  • $taxonomy (string) – Optional. Taxonomy name. Default: ''
  • $post (int|WP_Post) – Optional. Post to check. Defaults to the current post. Default: null

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: has_term()


Check for a specific term

Check if the current post has the term ‘jazz’ in the ‘genre’ taxonomy.

if (has_term('jazz', 'genre')) {
  // do something

Check for any term in a taxonomy

Check if the current post has any terms in the ‘genre’ taxonomy.

if (has_term('', 'genre')) {
  // do something

Check for specific terms in an array

Check if the current post has either ‘jazz’ or ‘blues’ terms in the ‘genre’ taxonomy.

if (has_term(array('jazz', 'blues'), 'genre')) {
  // do something

Check for term in a specific post

Check if a specific post with ID 42 has the term ‘jazz’ in the ‘genre’ taxonomy.

$post_id = 42;
if (has_term('jazz', 'genre', $post_id)) {
  // do something

Assign a CSS class based on term

Check if a post has a term ‘action’ in the ‘hook-type’ taxonomy and assign a CSS class accordingly.

$hook_css_class = '';

if (has_term('action', 'hook-type')) {
  $hook_css_class = "is-action-hook";
} else {
  $hook_css_class = "is-filter-hook";