Using WordPress ‘html_type_rss()’ PHP function

The html_type_rss() WordPress PHP function displays the HTML type based on the blog setting. The two possible values are either ‘xhtml’ or ‘html’.


To use the html_type_rss() function, simply call it where you want to display the HTML type. The function doesn’t require any parameters. Here’s an example:

echo html_type_rss();

This will output either ‘xhtml’ or ‘html’, depending on your blog settings.


  • The html_type_rss() function does not take any parameters.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: html_type_rss()

The html_type_rss() function is used primarily in WordPress themes or plugins. It does not have a deprecated version and is available in all WordPress versions.


Example 1 – Display HTML Type

If you want to display the HTML type of your blog, use the following code:

echo 'The HTML type of this blog is: ';
echo html_type_rss();

Example 2 – Conditional Display

You can also use the function in a conditional statement to display specific content based on the HTML type.

$html_type = html_type_rss();

if($html_type == 'xhtml') {
    echo 'This blog uses XHTML.';
} else {
    echo 'This blog uses HTML.';

Example 3 – In an RSS Feed

The function can be used in an RSS feed to specify the type of content that will be served.

echo '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:sy="" xmlns:slash="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:snf="" xmlns:map="" xmlns:article="" xmlns:rating="" xmlns:blog="" xmlns:news="" ' . html_type_rss() . '>';

Example 4 – In the HTML Tag

The function can be used within the HTML tag itself to specify the type of document being served.

echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD ' . html_type_rss() . ' 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">';

Example 5 – In a Function

You can use this function in your own custom function to get the HTML type.

function get_blog_html_type() {
    return html_type_rss();

echo 'The HTML type of this blog is: ' . get_blog_html_type();

This will also output either ‘xhtml’ or ‘html’, depending on your blog settings.