Using WordPress ‘install_theme_overwrite_actions’ PHP filter

The install_theme_overwrite_actions WordPress PHP Filter allows you to modify the list of action links displayed after a single theme installation failure when overwriting is allowed.


add_filter('install_theme_overwrite_actions', 'your_custom_function', 10, 3);
function your_custom_function($install_actions, $api, $new_theme_data) {
    // your custom code here
    return $install_actions;


  • $install_actions (string[]): Array of theme action links.
  • $api (object): Object containing API theme data.
  • $new_theme_data (array): Array with uploaded theme data.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: install_theme_overwrite_actions


Add a custom link to the list of theme action links after a failed installation.

add_filter('install_theme_overwrite_actions', 'add_custom_link', 10, 3);
function add_custom_link($install_actions, $api, $new_theme_data) {
    $install_actions['custom_link'] = '<a href="">Custom Link</a>';
    return $install_actions;

Remove the “Activate” link from the list of theme action links after a failed installation.

add_filter('install_theme_overwrite_actions', 'remove_activate_link', 10, 3);
function remove_activate_link($install_actions, $api, $new_theme_data) {
    return $install_actions;

Change the text of the “Preview” link to “Try it out!” after a failed installation.

add_filter('install_theme_overwrite_actions', 'change_preview_text', 10, 3);
function change_preview_text($install_actions, $api, $new_theme_data) {
    $install_actions['preview'] = str_replace('Preview', 'Try it out!', $install_actions['preview']);
    return $install_actions;

Add a link to the theme’s support page if the theme has one.

add_filter('install_theme_overwrite_actions', 'add_support_link', 10, 3);
function add_support_link($install_actions, $api, $new_theme_data) {
    if (!empty($api->sections['support'])) {
        $install_actions['support'] = '<a href="' . esc_url($api->sections['support']) . '">Theme Support</a>';
    return $install_actions;

Move the “Preview” link to the beginning of the list of theme action links.

add_filter('install_theme_overwrite_actions', 'reorder_preview_link', 10, 3);
function reorder_preview_link($install_actions, $api, $new_theme_data) {
    $preview_link = $install_actions['preview'];
    $install_actions = array('preview' => $preview_link) + $install_actions;
    return $install_actions;