Using WordPress ‘is_plugin_inactive()’ PHP function

The is_plugin_inactive() WordPress PHP function determines whether a specific plugin is inactive.


is_plugin_inactive( 'plugin-directory/plugin-file.php' );


  • $plugin (string) – Required. The path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: is_plugin_inactive()


Check if a plugin is inactive before displaying a notice

This example checks if the plugin ‘my-custom-plugin’ is inactive and displays a notice to activate it.

if ( is_plugin_inactive( 'my-custom-plugin/my-custom-plugin.php' ) ) {
    echo '<p>Please activate the <strong>My Custom Plugin</strong> to access its features.</p>';

Activate a plugin if it’s inactive

This example activates the plugin ‘another-plugin’ if it’s inactive.

if ( is_plugin_inactive( 'another-plugin/another-plugin.php' ) ) {
    activate_plugin( 'another-plugin/another-plugin.php' );

Deactivate another plugin if a specific plugin is inactive

This example deactivates the plugin ‘related-plugin’ if the plugin ‘main-plugin’ is inactive.

if ( is_plugin_inactive( 'main-plugin/main-plugin.php' ) ) {
    deactivate_plugins( 'related-plugin/related-plugin.php' );

Check multiple plugins for inactivity

This example checks if either of the plugins ‘plugin-one’ or ‘plugin-two’ are inactive and displays a notice accordingly.

if ( is_plugin_inactive( 'plugin-one/plugin-one.php' ) || is_plugin_inactive( 'plugin-two/plugin-two.php' ) ) {
    echo '<p>One or more required plugins are inactive. Please activate them.</p>';

Include a file if a plugin is inactive

This example includes a fallback file if the plugin ‘optional-plugin’ is inactive.

if ( is_plugin_inactive( 'optional-plugin/optional-plugin.php' ) ) {
    include( 'fallback-file.php' );