Using WordPress ‘is_protected_ajax_action()’ PHP function

The is_protected_ajax_action() WordPress PHP function determines whether we are currently handling an Ajax action that should be protected against WSODs (White Screens of Death).


To use the function, simply call it in your code like this:

$is_protected = is_protected_ajax_action();


This function does not have any parameters.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: is_protected_ajax_action


Check if an Ajax action is protected

This example checks if the current Ajax action is protected and outputs a message accordingly.

$is_protected = is_protected_ajax_action();

if ($is_protected) {
    echo "This Ajax action is protected.";
} else {
    echo "This Ajax action is not protected.";

Conditionally load an Ajax action

This example loads a custom Ajax action only if the current action is not protected.

$is_protected = is_protected_ajax_action();

if (!$is_protected) {
    // Register the custom Ajax action
    add_action('wp_ajax_my_custom_action', 'my_custom_action_callback');

Disable a plugin if the current Ajax action is protected

This example disables a plugin if the current Ajax action is protected.

$is_protected = is_protected_ajax_action();

if ($is_protected) {

Add a custom filter for protected Ajax actions

This example adds a custom filter that only runs when the current Ajax action is protected.

$is_protected = is_protected_ajax_action();

if ($is_protected) {
    add_filter('my_custom_filter', 'my_custom_filter_callback');

Log protected Ajax actions

This example logs protected Ajax actions for debugging purposes.

$is_protected = is_protected_ajax_action();

if ($is_protected) {
    error_log('A protected Ajax action was executed.');