Using WordPress ‘is_random_header_image()’ PHP function

The is_random_header_image() WordPress PHP function checks if a random header image is in use.


is_random_header_image( $type );

Custom example:

is_random_header_image( 'default' );

true or false


  • $type (string, optional): The random pool to use. Possible values include 'any', 'default', 'uploaded'. Default: 'any'.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: is_random_header_image()


Check if random header image is in use

This code checks if the random header image is in use and echoes a message accordingly.

if ( is_random_header_image() ) {
    echo 'Random header image is in use.';
} else {
    echo 'Random header image is not in use.';

Check if random ‘default’ header image is in use

This code checks if the random ‘default’ header image is in use and echoes a message accordingly.

if ( is_random_header_image( 'default' ) ) {
    echo 'Random default header image is in use.';
} else {
    echo 'Random default header image is not in use.';

Check if random ‘uploaded’ header image is in use

This code checks if the random ‘uploaded’ header image is in use and echoes a message accordingly.

if ( is_random_header_image( 'uploaded' ) ) {
    echo 'Random uploaded header image is in use.';
} else {
    echo 'Random uploaded header image is not in use.';

Display a message based on the type of random header image

This code checks the type of random header image in use and displays a message accordingly.

$type = 'any';

if ( is_random_header_image( $type ) ) {
    echo "Random $type header image is in use.";
} else {
    echo "Random $type header image is not in use.";

Display a message if a specific type of random header image is not in use

This code checks if a specific type of random header image is not in use and displays a message accordingly.

$type = 'uploaded';

if ( ! is_random_header_image( $type ) ) {
    echo "Random $type header image is not in use.";

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