Using WordPress ‘is_serialized()’ PHP function

The is_serialized() WordPress PHP function checks if a given value is serialized or not.


is_serialized( $data, $strict )



$data = 'a:1:{s:3:"key";s:5:"value";}';
$is_serialized = is_serialized($data);




  • $data (string) – Required. The value to check if it is serialized.
  • $strict (bool) – Optional. Whether to be strict about the end of the string. Default is true.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: is_serialized()


Check if a string is serialized

Check if a given string is serialized and print the result.

$data = 'a:1:{s:3:"key";s:5:"value";}';
if (is_serialized($data)) {
    echo 'The data is serialized.';
} else {
    echo 'The data is not serialized.';

Check if an array is serialized

Check if a given array is serialized and print the result.

$array = array('key' => 'value');
if (is_serialized($array)) {
    echo 'The array is serialized.';
} else {
    echo 'The array is not serialized.';

Check if serialized data with strict mode

Check if a given string is serialized with strict mode enabled and print the result.

$data = 'a:1:{s:3:"key";s:5:"value";';
if (is_serialized($data, true)) {
    echo 'The data is serialized (strict mode).';
} else {
    echo 'The data is not serialized (strict mode).';

Check if serialized data without strict mode

Check if a given string is serialized with strict mode disabled and print the result.

$data = 'a:1:{s:3:"key";s:5:"value";';
if (is_serialized($data, false)) {
    echo 'The data is serialized (non-strict mode).';
} else {
    echo 'The data is not serialized (non-strict mode).';

Check if serialized data with incorrect format

Check if a given string with incorrect format is serialized and print the result.

$data = 'a:1:{s:3:"key";s:5:"value"}';
if (is_serialized($data)) {
    echo 'The data is serialized.';
} else {
    echo 'The data is not serialized.';