Using WordPress ‘is_tax()’ PHP function

The is_tax() WordPress PHP function determines whether the query is for an existing custom taxonomy archive page.


is_tax( $taxonomy, $term )

Custom Example:

Input: is_tax( 'genre', 'comedy' )

Output: true if the query is for the ‘comedy’ term in the ‘genre’ taxonomy, false otherwise.


  • $taxonomy (string|string[] – Optional): Taxonomy slug or array of slugs to check against. Default: ''
  • $term (int|string|int[]|string[] – Optional): Term ID, name, slug, or array of such to check against. Default: ''

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: is_tax()


Check if any custom taxonomy archive page is being displayed

if ( is_tax() ) {
    // Code to execute if any custom taxonomy archive page is being displayed

Check if the ‘channel’ taxonomy archive page is being displayed

if ( is_tax( 'channel' ) ) {
    // Code to execute if the 'channel' taxonomy archive page is being displayed

Check if the ‘channel’ taxonomy archive page with term ‘BBC1’ is being displayed

if ( is_tax( 'channel', 'BBC1' ) ) {
    // Code to execute if the 'channel' taxonomy archive page with term 'BBC1' is being displayed

Check if the archive page for either the ‘channel’ or ‘broadcaster’ taxonomies is being displayed

if ( is_tax( array( 'channel', 'broadcaster' ) ) ) {
    // Code to execute if either the 'channel' or 'broadcaster' taxonomy archive page is being displayed

Check if the ‘custom_taxonomy’ archive page with a specific term object is being displayed

if ( is_tax( 'custom_taxonomy', $taxonomy_term_object ) ) {
    // Code to execute if the 'custom_taxonomy' archive page with the specific term object is being displayed