Using WordPress ‘links_add_base_url()’ PHP function

The links_add_base_url() WordPress PHP function adds a base URL to relative links in the given content. By default, it supports the ‘src’ and ‘href’ attributes, but this can be changed via the third parameter.


$updated_content = links_add_base_url( $content, $base, $attrs );


  • $content (string) (Required): The string to search for links in.
  • $base (string) (Required): The base URL to prefix to links.
  • $attrs (array) (Optional): The attributes which should be processed. Default: array(‘src’, ‘href’)

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: links_add_base_url


Add Base URL to Image Sources

This example adds a base URL to the ‘src’ attribute of image tags in the given content.

$content = '<img src="image.jpg">';
$base_url = '';

$updated_content = links_add_base_url( $content, $base_url );
// Result: '<img src="">'

Add Base URL to Anchor Tags

This example adds a base URL to the ‘href’ attribute of anchor tags in the given content.

$content = '<a href="page.html">Visit Page</a>';
$base_url = '';

$updated_content = links_add_base_url( $content, $base_url );
// Result: '<a href="">Visit Page</a>'

Customize Attributes to Process

This example demonstrates how to customize the attributes that are processed by the links_add_base_url() function.

$content = '<img data-src="image.jpg">';
$base_url = '';
$attrs = array('data-src');

$updated_content = links_add_base_url( $content, $base_url, $attrs );
// Result: '<img data-src="">'

Add Base URL to Multiple Attributes

This example adds a base URL to both ‘src’ and ‘data-src’ attributes in the given content.

$content = '<img src="image.jpg" data-src="image.jpg">';
$base_url = '';
$attrs = array('src', 'data-src');

$updated_content = links_add_base_url( $content, $base_url, $attrs );
// Result: '<img src="" data-src="">'

Add Base URL to a Mix of Anchor and Image Tags

This example adds a base URL to both ‘href’ attributes of anchor tags and ‘src’ attributes of image tags in the given content.

$content = '<a href="page.html">Visit Page</a> <img src="image.jpg">';
$base_url = '';

$updated_content = links_add_base_url( $content, $base_url );
// Result: '<a href="">Visit Page</a> <img src="">'