Using WordPress ‘make_db_current_silent()’ PHP function

The make_db_current_silent() WordPress PHP function updates the database tables to a new schema without displaying results.


make_db_current_silent( $tables = 'all' );


  • $tables (string) – Optional. Which set of tables to update. Default is ‘all’.

More information

See WordPress Developer Resources: make_db_current_silent()


Update All Tables

Update all tables in the database to the latest schema silently.


Update Specific Tables

Update a specific set of tables to the latest schema silently.

// Define the tables to update
$tables_to_update = 'wp_posts, wp_users';

// Update specified tables
make_db_current_silent( $tables_to_update );

Update Tables Based on Condition

Update tables based on a condition.

// Check if a specific plugin is active
if ( is_plugin_active( 'my-plugin/my-plugin.php' ) ) {
    // Update the plugin's related tables
    make_db_current_silent( 'wp_my_plugin_table' );

Update Tables on Plugin Activation

Update tables when a plugin is activated.

function my_plugin_activation() {
    // Update the plugin's related tables
    make_db_current_silent( 'wp_my_plugin_table' );
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'my_plugin_activation' );

Update Tables on Theme Switch

Update tables when a theme is switched.

function my_theme_switch() {
    // Update the theme's related tables
    make_db_current_silent( 'wp_my_theme_table' );
add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'my_theme_switch' );